Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The celebration of Tom and Jack

       Once upon all times, John Davis and I love to randomly show up to Tom Nissen's house when he isn't expecting us to. Usually with some great, awesome idea for us to do or just something we do when we get there. Some of the ideas I am not aloud to share for reasons which I am not aloud to share, but a good example of our ideas is just from this Saturday. This Saturday, not sure why, John and I were at the dollar store buy stuff when we found some sparkling apple juice which looked like champagne and some wine glasses which were just a dollar each. So as any normal person would do we bought them and made out for Tom's house to celebrate. When we arrived we celebrated Tom with Tom, then after finishing celebrating Tom we filled the container and made down to the basement to celebrate Jack with Jack, who is Tom's older brother. So, all in all the moral of the story is if you have something to celebrate, then you should  celebrate it.

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