Monday, January 13, 2014

The Last Time I _____

The last time I _______, we were on our way to _______ when we decided we should _______ then out of no where a _______ came and hit _______ and all the sudden I just _____ed out. This _______ was even more crazy than the time before where I _______. That time we _______ we were heading home from the _______ game, and decided to stop and get some _______, so then as we were off to _______ we ______ed right into a ________. So the _______ of the story is, don't ______ when your supposed to be ________ing.

Friday, January 10, 2014

My First Best Friend

     It was so long ago I barely remember it, but back when I was young my first best friend was Erik Jacobson. I don't even remember what we used to do or how we became friends, I just remember we were.
So, sorry I don't have anything better than that.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Terrifying, But Funny

     I realized I have a sort of funny scenario I am in. I'm scared that I might be scared of something, but I don't know what it is, then I realize that the thing I'm scared of, is being scared of something that I can't be scared of, since I realize that is what I am scared of, I don't have anything to be scared of, since I now know what I am scared of, which obviously doesn't exist, so then I am really scared of nothing. Finally after having all these crazy realizations to my life, I realize I am just more confused about my life.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Monster Child

     The only person or thing, not really sure which to call it, that I didn't like taking care of was Jack Jack, who I later found out that he was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Incredible. Jack Jack gave me many problems and almost burned the house down. For a video of my struggles search for the video Jack Jack Attack.

My First Crush

     My first crush was a girl... that's all I really remember...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Important Moments of My Life...?

Important Moments of my Life

     Why do English teachers always ask us to write about ourselves? and why do English teachers always seem to think writing about ourselves is easy? For me I would much rather talk about someone else than myself. I'd much rather describe a friend to someone else than describe myself to someone else, because although I am always with my self, I'm not paying attention to myself I'm paying attention to what's going on around me, most things that I will tell other people about my self are things I have been told about myself by other people. So, when my teacher, well not really my teach, told me to make a list of the important moments of my life and to write about them, it turned into me writing this. How am I supposed to know the points of my life that are important? What even makes one moment in my life more important than another?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Where is The Incredibles 2?

     Okay Pixar what are you doing here? How come you made a sequel to Cars, which was a good movie, but not in Pixar standards. Now your making a Planes movie which is just gonna be the same thing, but with flying and you aren't making an Incredibles sequel, when Incredibles is one of your best movies and arguably the best, or more likely second behind Toy Story. Really though I request the next sequel you make be an Incredibles. I want to see another one!